Before you commit to a serious relationship, you want to know what you’re getting yourself into, first. I mean, that’s why God invented Tinder, right? Just kidding, a bunch of horny college kids did.
But, you get where I’m going with this. It’s the difference between “talking” and calling someone your boyfriend or girlfriend. The point of “talking” is to help you decide if you want to start dating. The point of dating is to figure out if you’re willing to do it exclusively. For me, at least.
With every date, the other person is calculating if you hit all the marks on their checklist of acceptable suitors.
Are there any red flags? Will this person get along with my best friend? Am I ready to cut off everyone on my booty call list? I have a wedding coming up; will this last long enough for them to be my date?
[clickToTweet tweet=”We all have our list of objections to overcome before taking the next step. Focus on eliminating them. -@thekacc” quote=”We all have our list of objections to overcome before taking the next step. Focus on eliminating them. -@thekacc” theme=”style1″]
Keep this in mind when it comes to your business. You’ve got to eliminate those objections to make your “almost-customers” feel safe. Start by flirting with them through social media and advertising. Get them to come over to your website. Tell them all the reasons you can solve their specific problems. Then, make the offer and bag the sale.
But — as with most things — easier said than done.
“Objection handling means responding to the buyer in a way that changes their mind or alleviate their concerns.” – HubSpot
Prospecting for customers is difficult. Don’t be a dingus. Go into it well prepared. Listen to those around you, market trends, and most importantly — your customers. Develop an effective elevator pitch. Read reviews and figure out what people don’t like about your product or service. Make adjustments from there.
[clickToTweet tweet=”People say they’re not interested because they’re busy — a knee-jerk reaction to bad salespeople. – @thekacc” quote=”People say they’re not interested because they’re busy — a knee-jerk reaction to bad salespeople. – @thekacc” theme=”style1″]
So, how do you get past that knee-jerk reaction?
Here’s a list of the five most common sales objections to overcome:
[clickToTweet tweet=”Overcoming objections as soon as possible helps almost-customers become paying customers. – @thekacc” quote=”Overcoming objections as soon as possible helps almost-customers become paying customers. – @thekacc” theme=”style1″]
If you do this effectively, you pass to the next level (the next step of the buying process).
If you fail at overcoming objections, you can say…
to potential customers.
Or, they’ll use you at their convenience and never commit to becoming loyal buyers.
So, if you want to take your relationship to the next level, figure out what doubts the person you’re “talking” to has about making things official. Then, tell them all the reasons they can trust you. But remember; you gotta prove it. Show them you’re more down for the cause than Drake.